Apla kai


Apla kai diaforetika (Simple and different) is a cook book series by the food technologist/special needs educator George Evgeniades.

The recipes are built in a way that reflects the ‘different’ way of thinking of the author’s students. Students from a public school in Athens that have autistic or other cognitive (dis)abilities. The recipes are organised in clear steps and every step is illustrated with simple line drawings. The book layout creates structure and a sense of calmness to the reader. They are recipes that everyone can follow! They come out of the grandma’s kitchen drawer, they use simple, local ingredients and they do not need measuring cups or scales to be successful.

In the end of the day, simplicity and diversity is what makes us unique!



Την Τετάρτη 20 του Οκτώβρη θα γίνει η παρουσίαση του κίτρινου βιβλίου! Σας περιμένουμε στις 7μμ στο καφέ Μύρτιλλο!

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